Saturday, August 20, 2022

Thomas Campion (1567-1620)


Think'st Thou To Seduce Me Then

Think'st thou to seduce me then with words that have no meaning? 
Parrots so can learn to prate, our speech by pieces gleaning; 
Nurses teach their children so about the time of weaning. 

Learn to speak first, then to woo; to wooing much pertaineth: 
He that courts us, wanting art, soon falters when he feigneth, 
Looks asquint on his discourse, and smiles when he complaineth. 

Skillful anglers hide their hooks, fit baits for every season; 
But with crooked pins fish thou, as babes do that want reason: 
Gudgeons only can be caught with such poor tricks of treason. 

Ruth forgive me, if I erred from humane heart's compassion, 
When I laughed sometimes too much to see thy foolish fashion: 
But, alas, who less could do that found so good occasion?

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w. H. Auden

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