Saturday, August 20, 2022

Geoffrey Chaucer (1325?1400)

Portrait of Chaucer

48       Som Cristen man shal wedde me anon,

                Some Christian man shall wed me straightway,
49       For thanne th' apostle seith that I am free
            For then the apostle says that I am free
50       To wedde, a Goddes half, where it liketh me.
                To wed, by God's side (I swear), wherever it pleases me.
51       He seith that to be wedded is no synne;
                He says that to be wedded is no sin;
52       Bet is to be wedded than to brynne.
                It is better to be wedded than to burn.
53       What rekketh me, thogh folk seye vileynye
                What do I care, though folk speak evil
54       Of shrewed Lameth and his bigamye?
                Of cursed Lamech and his bigamy?
55       I woot wel Abraham was an hooly man,
                I know well Abraham was a holy man,
56       And Jacob eek, as ferforth as I kan;
                And Jacob also, insofar as I know;
57       And ech of hem hadde wyves mo than two,
                And each of them had more than two wives,
58       And many another holy man also.
                And many another holy man also.
59       Wher can ye seye, in any manere age,
                Where can you find, in any historical period,
60       That hye God defended mariage
                That high God forbad marriage
61       By expres word? I pray yow, telleth me.
                By express word? I pray you, tell me.
62       Or where comanded he virginitee?
                Or where commanded he virginity?
63       I woot as wel as ye, it is no drede,
                I know as well as you, it is no doubt,
64       Th' apostel, whan he speketh of maydenhede,
                The apostle, when he speaks of maidenhood,
65       He seyde that precept therof hadde he noon.
                He said that he had no precept concerning it.
66       Men may conseille a womman to been oon,
                Men may advise a woman to be one,
67       But conseillyng is no comandement.
                But advice is no commandment.

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w. H. Auden

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