Friday, January 6, 2023

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


IN SEARCH OF HONOR Gawain (Dev Patel) accepts a challenge to prove his worthiness but struggles to muster the inner fortitude to behave honorably, in The Green Knight, playing in local theaters. - PHOTO COURTESY OF SAILOR BEAR, BRON STUDIOS, AND A24

You're the finest man that ever walked this earth.

As a pearl is of greater price than dry white peas,
So Gawain indeed stands out above all other knights. But you lacked a little, sir; you were less than loyal;
But since it was not for the sash itself or for lust
But because you loved your life, I blame you less."
Sir Gawain stood in a study0 a long, long while,
So miserable with disgrace that he wept within,
And all the blood of his chest went up to his face
And he shrank away in shame from the man's gentle words. The first words Gawain could find to say were these: "Cursed be cowardice and covetousness both,
Villainy and vice that destroy all virtue!"
He caught at the knots of the girdleand loosened them And fiercely flung the sash at the Green Knight.

                                                   lines 204-219

                                                Translation by John Gardner

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