Monday, December 5, 2022

Sir Philip Sidney

 Sir Philip Sidney 1554-1586 English Poet Courtier And Soldier From Old England's Worthies By Lord Brougham And Others Published London Circa 1880's PosterPrint - Item # VARDPI1855360

Sonnet 20: Fly, Fly, My Friends

Fly, fly, my friends, I have my death wound; fly! 
See there that boy, that murthering boy I say, 
Who like a thief, hid in dark bush doth lie, 
Till bloody bullet get him wrongful prey. 

So tyrant he no fitter place could spy, 
Nor so fair level in so secret stay, 
As that sweet black which veils the heav'nly eye: 
There himself with his shot he close doth lay. 

Poor passenger, pass now thereby I did, 
And stayed pleas'd with the prospect of the place, 
While that black hue from me the bad guest hid: 

But straight I saw motions of lightning grace, 
And then descried the glist'ring of his dart: 
But ere I could fly hence, it pierc'd my heart.

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w. H. Auden

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