Thursday, August 18, 2022

Beowulf (700?)

File:The beginning of Beowulf - Beowulf (c.1000), f.132 - BL Cotton MS Vitellius A XV.jpg 


When he heard about Grendel, Hygelac’s thane Was on home ground, over in Geatland.
There was no one else like him alive.
In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth, High­born and powerful. He ordered a boat
That would ply the waves. He announced his plan: To sail the swan’s road and search out that king, The famous prince who needed defenders.


Then a proud warrior

Questioned the men concerning their origins:
“Where do you come from, carrying these
Decorated shields and shirts of mail,
These cheek­hinged helmets and javelins?
I am Hrothgar’s herald and officer.
I have never seen so impressive or large
An assembly of strangers. Stoutness of heart,
Bravery not banishment, must have brought you to Hrothgar.”

The man whose name was known for courage, 340 The Geat leader, resolute in his helmet,
Answered in return: “We are retainers
From Hygelac’s band. Beowulf is my name.



Then out of the night
Came the shadow­stalker, stealthy and swift;
The hall­guards were slack, asleep at their posts,
All except one; it was widely understood
That as long as the Lord forbade it,
The fiend could never bear them beyond his shadow­bourne. One man, however, was in fighting mood,
Awake and on edge, spoiling for action.

In off the moors, down through the mist­bands 710 God­cursed Grendel came greedily loping.
The bane of the race of men roamed forth,
Hunting for a prey in the high hall.


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w. H. Auden

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